Correct Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is D.
In this matrix there are two rules:
The circle: Across a row (from left to right) the circle always remains in the same row but moves one column to the right in each successive frame. Down a column, in each frame, the circle is always in the same row but is in different columns.
The star: Across a row (from left to right) the star always remains in the same column but moves up one row in each successive frame. Down a column, the star always remains in the same row but moves 1 column to the left in each successive frame. (In the upper-right frame the star and circle end up in the same position and the circle covers the star).
You can further eliminate the A and C answer-options because the star is in the wrong position, and the B answer-option because it has the circle in the wrong position.
Therefore, you are left with the D answer-option as the only correct answer.
The correct answer is D